Our Purpose

The Praxis Network is a network of leading business thinkers and subject matter experts devoted to helping business leaders to develop a vision of their ideal enterprise and align their team, their people and customers behind it.

I have spent twenty years in the academic world as a researcher and teacher. But I started my career in management consultancy and never stopped, working with leadership teams in every sector internationally. I founded The Praxis Network to fill a perceived need – to bridge the gap between the academic and practitioner worlds in business and management.

Praxis is the process of using a theory or something that you have learned in a practical way

(Cambridge Dictionary)

There is immense value in the co-creation, exchange and application of new ideas and learning to achieve practical outcomes. Indeed, the two worlds of academia and practice should be symbiotic. But often, they are not, to the detriment of both.

The result is a missed opportunity for business leaders to hear different voices, develop critical thinking, grow through learning and accelerate innovation. But what to do? Embracing praxis is the answer. And The Praxis Network is the vehicle to bridge the gap between theory and practice.

I believe our offering is valuable and distinctive. With our rare pedigree of having feet firmly in both worlds, we help clients ask the right questions, have better conversations and make the best choices possible to align their organization for improved performance and realign to overcome disruption.


What our clients say:

Jonathan Trevor has, over a period of several years, consistently enlightened, challenged and stimulated the newly promoted generals on the Army Generalship Programme; without question his work has enhanced the Army’s operating effectiveness.

Maj Gen Dr Andrew Sharpe CBE

British Army

Jonathan Trevor elevated our leadership conversation to new levels and engaged the team in visioning the future and aligning to it


Chief of Staff, Taskize

Our Approach

We take a different approach from the usual suspects. We are a highly selective network of world-class professors, researchers, educators, coaches, facilitators and business leaders united by a love of praxis – of turning ideas into action.

We come together to offer our clients a distinctive proposition and set of capabilities in thought leadership, coaching, speaking and facilitation. What sets us apart is our:

  • Academic starting point: powerful ideas applied precisely to practical problems.
  • Different voices: access to a diverse range of heavyweight thinkers and advisors who’ve been there before.
  • Critical thinking: independent expertise to challenge the status quo.
  • High impact: a wealth of experience and track record of positive impact.

All of our network members have day jobs leading institutions and organizations. By necessity, we prioritize client work where we can make the most difference. And because we have no associates or staff, what you see is what you get.

We will help you to improve performance, organisationally and personally.

Our Impact

Our goal is to help clients align their organizations for improved performance and realign to overcome disruption in the changing business environment.

This involves the purposeful alignment of the key elements that form the make-up of every organization – including its approach to the market and how it is organized – to support the fulfilment of its enduring purpose. [1]

It is critical because


of senior leaders report that misalignment renders their enterprise vulnerable to competition and disruption. [2]  

We aim to change this.

Our goal is to help clients to align their business for improved performance and realign to overcome disruption.

We strive to ensure our clients are more:


with explicit values and strategic priorities behind which to align.


above the industry average for output and efficiency.

Customer aligned

and sensitive to their changing preferences and needs.


durable and change-ready in the face of all forms of disruption.


by being distinctively


of their people for high performance, participation & commitment.

The Praxis Network Thought Leadership

Read more

[1] Trevor, J. & Varcoe, B., (2016). A Simple Way to Test Your Company’s Strategic Alignment. Harvard Business Review. 16 May. Harvard Business School Publishing.
[2] Economist Intelligence Unit (2017). Closing the gap designing and delivering a strategy that works.

The Praxis Network

Ideas into action